Audience Grouping

From the site think box ( they have specific groups for TV audiences: Adult, Women, Men, Housewives & Children. This site already put it’s groups demographically; categorised into groups according to the gender, ages and occupations. However, exploring each groups definitions done by think box, you can see that there are more demographic and psychographics points in there. Here are three groups:


In this grouping the sites says that Drama and Soaps are key drivers of the viewing against this audience (C2DE women). This is Psycographic research as this is the opinion and non interest of C2DE women on these genres of TV. Meaning that they are classified as not interest in Soaps and Dramas shows. Here are two more Pycographic research by the website:

  • VoD viewing is at its highest for this audience group on Thursdays, when on average their TV viewing is lowest
  • Whilst watching their TV they are likely to spend more time than their male counterparts’ multi-screening.

These both say the interest that women have in watching TV, first pointer saying that they are more interested in TV on a Thursday mostly like for the programs that are being shown on that day. Second pointer says about women being on more than one screen whilst watching TV, which tells that women must have that feeling of multi tasking even with devices.


  • C2DE Women watch over the average daily amount of linear TV at 5 hours and 9 mins
  • 16-34 Women watch 3 hours and 1 mins of linear TV a day, 2 hours and 17 mins of this is commercial TV
  • Young women are the most likely group to use a companion screen whilst watching

These are women grouped into their ages, job roles and what they are (e.g. young) with their classified interest in TV. Seems like C2DE women are more interested in TV than 16-34 year old women, reason could be for the time they have available to spend watching TV. Whilst young women are seemed to be only interested in watching TV with their other device with them.

Mum- She would be part of this category as she is not a house wive, she works for social services. Some of the pointers are corrected about her. For example the Psycographic pointers, the one about VoD is very true as she does need to catch up with her drama and soaps that she has missed due to work. It also true that she watches drama and soaps so she wouldn’t be part of the C2DE group as that only for her love for soaps and dramas prgrams but also because she does not apply to being C2DE group. My mum does watch less than 5 hours of TV a day so she wouldn’t be correct in this grouping because of those demogrpahic views and her age. So some of the pycographic pointers were true but the demographic weren’t.



  • Adults watch an average of 4 hours and 2mins of linear TV a day, 2 hours and 38mins of this is commercial TV
  • ABC1 Adults watch 3 hours and 20mins of linear TV a day, 2 hours and 1mins of this is commercial TV
  • 16-34 Adults watch 2 hours and 41mins of linear TV a day, 2 hours and 1 mins of this is commercial TV

These pointers are of what the website say that are the demographic classification for adults as they are grouped/ called either adults (because they are those kind of people), ABC1 Adults (which are types of job role adults) and 16- 34. They are all grouped with their time of interest in TV which are different as they are different categories.


  • Spend more of their time watching TV whilst using other devices than the average adult
  • TV viewing is highest from Sunday through to Tuesday
  • VoD viewing is highest from Friday through to Tuesday with a dip in viewing on Wednesday and Thursdays.

These are just pointers of interest that adults would have with the amount of time they would watch TV, to also having more interest in other device that they would have whilst watching TV.

Mela Bodgan (Best Friend)- from the chart the psycographic and demographic research on the group that Mela falls in is pretty accurate. She would be catergorised in the adult group but to be more specific the 16-34 adults, as she is in that age range (demographic). Looking at the points in the 16-34 Adults, I can see that all of the points are true about her classification. The demographic point says that 16-34 Adults watch 2 hours and 41 mins of linear TV a day, 2 hours and 1 mins of this is commercial TV. This is true, as Mela does watch more than 2 hours of TV whether it is Revenge on E4 or The 100. Young adults unsurprisingly time-shift more than many other audience groups, yet 91.4% is still viewed the same day as the live broadcast. Mela is a student which means her time watching TV shifts various times according in what she has to do ( work). The only Psycographic point in this section of the Adult grouping says Spend more of their time watching TV whilst using other devices than the average adult. When I’m with Mela and we are watching TV we are both on our phones or tablets/laptops. Meaning that in conclusion the website was correct in the 16-34 adults section of the adult group as all of the points in this sector of the adult group ticks the classification of Mela being part of the 16-34 Adults: two being demographic and one being psycographic.


The group of children only has one specific section which is titled the same and for the ages of 4-15. The Psycographic points it has are:

  • “As they mature their viewing increases and their tastes switch to a broader range of genres.” This says that the interest of children grows more up whilst they are getting older, which means that children nowadays can be seen maturing with evidence of what they are watching compared to what they did watch in the past.
  • Children watch the majority of their viewing live. With this Psycographic point it shows tells that children have more interest in watching a program live than on-demand, which could be that they rather watch programs on the TV and do another things like playing games and socialising on their tablets/laptops than watch programs on-demand.
  • Children watch an average of 2 hours and 4 minutes of linear TV a day. This Psycographic points shows the attention and interest children have in time to watch TV, which shows that they must have other things to do aswell as watching TV like the other two groups (women & adult).

On the demographic side, the point says Unsurprisingly kids TV channels are the main drivers of viewing against Children 4-15yrs, which means that kids children channels are actually pushing those at the age of 4-15 out of watching anything on the children channels. The reason might have to do with them needing to mature (referring to the psycographic point of maturing in age).

Brother- fits in this group as he is in the age range of being a child. The psycographics points are true about him watching over 2 hours of TV as I catch him most times watching Family Guy. He does watch most of what he wants to watch live as he doesn’t really have interest in Catchup unless he has nothing else to do. Whilst he has been growing up, he has develop into more humorist things like he used to only like the Simpsons and now its them and Family Guy.

In total, these types of research are very useful as they can help different media companies find their specific target audience that they want to succeed with their product. From this website I had to see if my three people would fit correctly in the categories was true and agreeable enough, that it’s seen that other media companies can find their audience very quickly.

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