Understanding the differences URLS


There are many ULRS (Uniform Resource Locator)used throughout the internet for specific websites. Here are three examples:

.edu: .edu is where educational industries such as schools and colleges create websites for others (e.g. parents) to find the their information (http://slang.org/.EDU-meaning-definition). http://www.gse.harvard.edu is one example of an ‘.edu’ website. It is a website for the University of Harvard which contains many information such as facts and figures of the courses they run in the University. The logo of Harvard University is very informative itself as it gives the viewers the knowledge of what University it is and to recognise it. A tool bar that leads you to more information such as news and events that the University has. Information about tuition fee is informative thing that the A University has for its student or future applicants as they would want to know about the cost and fees for the University.

A slide of information e.g.The head teacher of Harvard University shares his opinion of being superintended. This gives the audience the inside of what the Head teacher knowledge is. The website of Harvard also is sociable as they have Facebook and twitter, which keeps the audience that are interested in contact and updated with what Harvard wants to say. There is a search engine for those who are looking for specific information about the university as it might be hard to find. The university’s website also has a lot of pictures to interest and make the website look more entertaining. The pictures are informative as they lead to information say like information about educating immigrant children. Last information that the University has is their own map of where they are located. This is to just inform those who would want to know about the university that it is located on the map.


caption one

.gov: is the sort version for the word ‘government’ which means that any site with ‘.gov’ at the end of it, is a government website or a site owned by the government (http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/gov). One government website would be www.tfl.gov.uk, which is because transports is apart of what the government in charge of besides also having Boris Johnson as a big fan of it and being the Mayor of London. The websites provides the target audience of the general public who takes public transport, to plan their with the help of a box which says ‘From’ and ‘To’. This gives the people the chance to find out how to get to their destination quicker.

A tool bar at the top of the page that leads onto more information such as about Fares and payments, which would be useful for most people as they would want to know about the cost of fairs; the cost might be different depending on where they are going. There is also information about train lines and other public transport running. This would help those who travel regularly to know if they need to go a different route. Like the Harvard website there is a search bar to help those who have not found what they are looking for on the website. Pictures are used for the same purpose as those from the Harvard website, as they get the audience attention to see if the information is meant for them. Advertisement is also on this website not only because TFL needs some way of paying for the website, but also to provide information about the other company product or themselves.


.com: Is one of the most known urls and has been around since 1985 when the System of Domain Name began its use on the Internet (http://www.verisigninc.com/en_US/domain-names/com-domain-names/what-does-com-mean/index.xhtml). The definition for this url is that it is those websites that would usually have adverts on them; so then they can pay for their website as ‘.com’ is a top domain address that charge for greater one (http://netforbeginners.about.com/od/c/f/What-Does-Dot-Com-Stand-For.htm). For example there is websites like http://www.rosegal.com which is a world-wide online shopping website, which gives the opportunity of signing up not only for the shake of it but for the coupons. This is information for those shopaholic who love discounts and would obviously sign up to get great deals.

A slide of information just like the Harvard university one. With information such as stunning new dresses for 2015, this would inform the target audience of online shoppers that there are new dresses to buy. The tool bar of information leads onto more information. Such as Vintage which has more clothing types and accessories that are vintage. A search engine is also provided like the other two websites that have it, this website has it so then the audience can browse for the right information that they need. The pictures of their products help the audience in getting the visual information of the products and hopefully buying them. They are also sociable like Harvards, so then they can give more information about what they provide.




In conclusion, .gov is the most reliable because everything is factual, websites like TFL are those who give the tru and honest information as they have if not everything can go wrong. edu also realable, the only problem is the fact that teachers or govners can opinionise the website and make it seem prefect. ‘.com’ are more offering on their specific for profit reasons more than helping their customers; the helping gives the company the money.

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